Honorary Members

In 2022, we appointed the first Cohort of Honorary Members:

Christian Santos - 2022

Samantha Cook - 2022

Rian Galliott - 2022

Honorary Membership Nomination

In order to be admitted as an honorary member the following must be satisfied:

i)     Be a person who has genuinely contributed to the improvement, ongoing wellbeing and long term sustainability of SAUNDA;

ii)    Be a person that has had long term dedication to SAUNDA with proven contributions of development and enhancement of the organisation.

iii)  Be a person that has actively participated in SAUNDA;

iv)  Be a person who has made a significant contribution to the success of SAUNDA;

v)    Have a minimum of two years of service on SAUNDA; and

vi)  Not removed from SAUNDA by operation of the Student Association Constitution.

1)    Any SAUNDA Committee member may nominate a person to receive Honorary Life Membership provided that have satisfied the criteria above.

2)    Any person who is not a SAUNDA Committee member may submit suggestions for nominations to a member of the SAUNDA Committee, who must then endorse the nomination for it to proceed.

4)    The nomination submitted to the SAUNDA Committee for consideration should clearly identify the reasons for the nomination, including:

a)    The length of Committee member service to the Student Association;

b)    How has the person genuinely contributed to the improvement, ongoing wellbeing and long term sustainability of SAUNDA;

c)    How are they a person who has made a significant contribution to the success of SAUNDA; and

d)    The person’s overall contribution to SAUNDA and, if any, the impact to the University community.