Rian Galliott


Conferred 2022

Rian has long standing service to SAUNDA, the calibre of our organisation was continually raised, especially from his VIVA Week initiative, raising awareness for life, wellness and support during his time at Notre Dame. Over four years as a committee member, beginning in 2012, working through Philosophy and Theology Representative, Education Director in 2016, Pastoral Care Director and Alumni Director following, his contributions to SAUNDA continue to leave a mark. 

Conversations had with Staff who shared his time at Notre Dame continue to commend Rian for his community service. Apart from his work as a Student Ambassador, his continual and caring approach to clubs and societies, being the Founder and President of SOPHAT, and more, shows his dedication to the Student Experience of all. Of course, other work like constitutional reviews and bespoke professional development programs are additional areas of success and still remain part of his SAUNDA and Notre Dame legacy.